Óscar Romero as Mentor 3: Transfigured People of God

This time we explore how Oscar Romero can help us consider the possibility that Jesus is still very much present in the daily realities of our time and place, and if we can't see this, it might just be that we're not looking in the right places.

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Script by Wilson Ryland and Kevin Portillo

Original Score by Julius Obregon Jr.

Óscar Romero as Mentor 2: Christ of the Poor

This time we explore how Oscar Romero can help us consider the possibility that Jesus is still very much present in the daily realities of our time and place, and if we can't see this, it might just be that we're not looking in the right places.

Support us on Patreon HERE


Script by Wilson Ryland and Kevin Portillo

Original Score by Julius Obregon Jr.

Óscar Romero 1: Being the Microphone of Christ

This time we look at how St. Oscar Romero allows us to think of something like simple human words actually speaking of a transcendent God, and how this also shows not just preacher, but all Christians how to do the work of speaking of God without engaging in manipulation.

Support us on Patreon HERE


Script by Wilson Ryland and Kevin Portillo

Original Score by Julius Obregon Jr.

Announcement: Thanks For Listening! + Support us on Patreon

We want to take this time to thank you and to let you know how you can support the show moving forward. While we'll still be releasing bi-weekly episodes of All Things, we've decided to open a Patreon page where you can sign up for one of three subscription options.

Any option you pick will grant you the following perks: 1-week early episode access and a download of our bi-weekly meditations (which will be subscriber-only from now on).

You can sign up at patreon.com/shemasd starting this Monday 9/5.

Stay tuned for the first official episode of our upcoming series on Óscar Romero this Monday!