
Sam Cheung.jpg

“Often in my life, I have dedicated myself to a team, or a church, or a group that had a vision for what they wanted to do. This rarely would line up with what they actually did and I would find myself frustrated and hurt. Being a part of Shema has been wonderful in that it has truly taught me how to better love the Lord my God with all my heart and soul and strength, and how to love my neighbor as myself. Shema gave me the structure and community to turn my desire to follow Christ into an embodied practice instead of a vague yearning.

The most concrete example others have seen in my life is a transition from a disorganized, unintentional handling of my time to a purposeful and caring approach to time. The person I am today because of Shema is what a younger version of myself wanted to be, but felt helpless and too apathetic to try to be. I now genuinely feel as if my life is ordered around and to God rather than God being a nonessential addition.

Another formative change has been the process of stepping into the larger tradition of the church. Through learning about the saints, reading of the history of the church, and reading writings from the tradition, my understanding of what faith is and can look like has widened and deepened. I now feel less alone and more hopeful about the church and my place in it. All in all, Shema has helped me take steps in the footsteps of Christ while showing me those who have come before and preparing me to help those who will come after. I am incredibly thankful.”

Sam Cheung, Shema Apprentice, Spiritual Leader on his College Campus


“Shema has been a night swim for my soul. The initial plunge frightened me, and I spent awhile peering over the edge of a splintery wooden dock at my rippled reflection. I had no idea what it would mean to come into contact with this shadow of mine. So I waited until the last moment and slipped in with the sun. The water was startling and soothing. Fully submerged all of the noise of the day vanished for a moment, and the heartbeat I rarely noticed now had my full attention. I’m tired said the heartbeat. I have not rested in so long. If you are ready to listen there is a lot I want to share with you.

So I let my heart speak.

And cry.

And laugh.

And dance.

And when I needed air I surfaced, floated on my back, and enjoyed the twinkling show above.

As night wore on, and I could no longer see or feel the sun, paralysis settled in.

The same body of water that had propped me up now pulled me down, and I hoped someone would come by to toss me a life preserver.

Instead someone came by and taught me how to swim again.

Encouragement, accountability and the practice of spiritual disciplines are some of the foundational elements of Shema that have allowed me to interact with life in a refreshed way.

I am more grounded and free to explore what it means to receive the fullness of God; a path and lifelong process that this community is helping me wander through.”

Jordan mageo-saucer, Shema Apprentice, Creative director at renew san diego


“Shema met me in a place of longing. For what, I didn’t quite know. But something about Shema intrigued and excited me. I had a feeling, and a hope, that this space would draw me nearer to God and some part of myself that I needed to befriend again. After participating for a few months now, I can name that I was longing for integration and intentional formation. The sense that all of my life, all of me, is under the care of God. That my work is not disconnected from God’s kingdom, and that my discipleship holistically includes every part of my day and every part of me. 

I have always known that formation is not a solo venture, yet I had been going at it alone for a long time. A part of my initial longing was also for a guide to lead me back to holy ground. The journey from a 30,000-foot view of your life to how you are going to spend the next hour is infused with distraction, old habits, and temptations but Shema has been a faithful guide. The readings, practices, and conversations are helping me to connect who I am and what I do with who God is, and how I am wired to participate with the Holy Spirit in the world. 

Shema has and continues to bring me into the community of saints and the stream of tradition through which others have themselves been formed. Through Shema, I know I am involved with a community of people seeking integration and transformation in their lives, encouraging me to be a part of it. And I desperately want this community for others. I have been noticing disintegration all around me, as it comes up in conversations and life with others. I know that others are longing to understand how knowing God actually affects their day, their work, their life, and who desperately want to experience him but don’t know how. Shema is a gift to those longing to learn how to posture themselves in God’s presence and bring their whole life to his feet. I hope it continues to be a resource, a guide, and a sacred space for others, as I know it has been for me.” 

Natalie Bujarski, Shema Apprentice

Graduating college and stepping right into full-time church ministry, I soon realized to pastor well I needed a Christian discipleship that integrated my passion with discipline. As we went through the rhythms and practices of the program, I came to see how prayer, scripture, worship, and fasting were actually connecting my passion to meaningful hard work.
— Julius Obregon Jr