Immersive Overview
Each phase of our spiritual formation apprenticeship designed to help you shape a life where prayer, study, reflection, work, and rest flow in and out of each other throughout your week.
Reading is there not so much to cram information in your head, as to help you become a wise person through learning, reflection, and practice.
Integration Projects seek to embody the material through your gifts and interests. They can range from a ministry project or initiative at a local church, to a community event, creative teaching or evangelism - series of Youtube videos, podcasts, art instillations, photography exhibition, an album, etc. They are developed, supervised, and reviewed by experts and professionals in fields relevant to their project who are friends of our ministry.
Interview Questions and Reflections
Review our Covenant.
Choose the Immersive, Flex, or Uber Busy track.
Reading & Reflection
- The Gift of Being Yourself - David Benner
- Atomic Habits - James Clear
- Sacred Rhythms - Ruth Haley Barton
- Draft of Personal Rhythmic Week
- Draft of Personal Vision and Calling Statement
- Sign Covenant
Cycle 1 - Knowing God (1.5 mo.)
Reading & Reflection
- The Bible
- Simply Christian - NT Wright
- On the Incarnation - St. Athanasius
- Personal Rhythmic Week of Prayer, Study,
Reflection, Work
- Weekly Examen of Time Usage
Cycle 1 - Knowing the Tradition (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- The Story of Christianity: David Bentley Hart
- The Cloister Walk: Kathleen Norris
- Accountability on Weekly Rhythm and Examen in 1on1 spiritual direction.
Cycle 1 - Knowing Transformation (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- You Are What You Love - James KA Smith
- Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
- Confessions - St. Augustine
- False-Self to True-Self Journal
- Weekly Block of Silence
Cycle 1 - Knowing Vocation (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- Let Your Life Speak - Parker Palmer
- Leadership Ellipse: Robert Fryling
- 90 years, to 1 year, to 90 days, to 90 minutes integration habit.
Cycle 2 - Knowing God (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- Theology (The Basics): Allister McGrath
- The Atoning Death of Christ: Ronald Wallace
- Holy Trinity, Holy People: Thomas Noble
- 3 Day Retreat
- Name Large Integration Project, list Goals and Timeline
- Extend Weekly Silence Block
Cycle 2 - Knowing the Tradition (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- The Spirit of Early Christianity: Robert Wilken
- The Orthodox Way: Timothy Ware
- Add a Spiritual Discipline to weekly rhythm
Cycle 2 - Knowing Transformation (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- The Spirit of the Disciplines: Dallas Willard
- The Rule of St. Benedict: St. Bendict
- Extend Silence to 1 hour a week
Cycle 2 - Knowing Vocation (1.5 mo)
Reading & Reflection
- Christ-Centered Leadership: David McKenna
- New Seeds of Contemplation - Thomas Merton
- Complete Integration Project
- Rule of Life
Reading & Reflection
- For the Life of the World: Alexander Schmemann
- How (not) To Be Secular: James KA Smith
- Influencer: Joseph Grenney
- Church Commitment
- Name Anam Cara (Soul Friend) for confession, accountability, and encouragement.