but the expectations placed on you are not getting lower, and opportunities for training and support are not keeping up with the emotional, financial, or intellectual challenges you face. We meet you and your staff where you are to help you:  

  • Increase your connection to your true Identity in Christ.

  • Know & live out your unique Vocation.

  • Cultivate a mastery of Theology & Culture.

We draw creatively from the deep wells of Christian thought and practice to create holistic learning environments and mentoring relationships that help Christian leaders like you better understand the challenges arising from our increasingly secular environment and to rise up to meet this cultural moment out of who you truly are in Christ.

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” - Catherine of Siena

Church consulting & Staff DEvelopment

Retreats &




Nolan Lee

Executive and Creative Arts Pastor,

Journey Community Church (La Mesa, CA)

“Within two sessions I started to notice the difference within our staff. Team members approached me saying they just had a one-on-one session that was life-changing.

Shema does this incredible job of leading your team back to Jesus in a way that even the most burned out staff member can connect with. For us it’s something essential now with our team, I can’t envision us without it.”

Natalie Bujarski

“Shema is a gift to those longing to learn how to posture themselves in God’s presence and bring their whole life to his feet. I hope it continues to be a resource, a guide, and a sacred space for others, as I know it has been for me.”

| Shema Apprentice |

Sam Cheung

Sam Cheung

“The person I am today because of Shema is what a younger version of myself wanted to be, but felt helpless and too apathetic to try to be. I now genuinely feel as if my life is ordered around and to God rather than God being a nonessential addition.”

| Shema Apprentice |